Working Remotely: Preventing Disaster

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Working Remotely: Preventing Disaster 

Following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, working remotely has become increasingly popular in many organizations. A policy that was once meant to be only temporary, has been taking rapid steps towards permanence due to the promotion of increased productivity and an improved work-life balance. While this has many benefits for the organization and employees, this does present an increased threat to cyber security. According to a study done by researchers at Stanford University, approximately eighty-eight percent of the breaches that occur are caused by human error, which are primarily unintentional due to a lack of education on potential threats to personal and work devices. Many companies already require incoming employees to sign an understanding of responsibilities and policies regarding company devices; however, these may need to be updated to encompass personal devices utilized when working from home. Some modifications of these policies may include a requirement for installation of specific antivirus software, avoidance of the utilization of public wi-fi, ensuring the use of email encryption, physical security of personal device, and recurring security awareness training as new threats arise. These are important security awareness components that will allow employees to work from home safely, minimizing the risks to an organization’s networks.