Tag: Ransomware

  • Akira Ransomware: Targeted Attacks, Data Breaches, and Million-Dollar Ransoms

    A new ransomware strain named Akira has emerged, causing significant disruption to corporate networks worldwide. It targets industries such as finance, real estate, and manufacturing. Akira has quickly gained notoriety since its launch in March 2023. Upon execution, Akira deletes Windows Shadow Volume Copies, making file restoration challenging. It selectively encrypts files using various extensions,… Read more

  • San Bernardino County Pays Over $1M in Ransomware Attack

    According to the San Bernardino Sun, San Bernardino County in California paid a ransom of $1.1 million to a hacker who had compromised the computer system of the county’s sheriff department. However, the county’s financial losses were partially mitigated by an insurance policy specifically designed to cover events of this nature, resulting in a payout… Read more