Incident Response Plan

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Due to the ever-changing threat that cybersecurity poses, any organization is at risk of being a victim of a cyber-attack. This means a company risks their reputation, revenue, and their client’s trust if they do not have the proper security measures in place to prevent their data from being compromised.  

An Incident Response Plan (IRP) is a set of tools and procedures that DefendEdge uses to help its clients identify, eliminate, and recover from cybersecurity threats and breaches. It is designed to help the team respond quickly and uniformly against any type of external threat. Having well-rehearsed and documented procedures will help ensure the effectiveness of the plan. 

DefendEdge offers a solution to data breaches by providing its clients with a customized IRP to fit their specific requirements. Due to every company being unique, the plan is created by the Incident Response Team at DefendEdge to determine what steps of an IRP are necessary in protecting their resources. 

DefendEdge further breaks the IRP down into five common categories: 

  1. Detection 
  1. Response 
  1. Resolution 
  1. Communication 
  1. Lessons Learned 

Depending on the severity of the cyber breach, there is about a 50% chance companies will not be able to recover from a cyber-attack. Investing money in the security posture of a company will be beneficial if a breach were to ever occur. DefendEdge is ready and fully capable to help its clients prevent cyber-attacks and ensure companies are more secure if they do not already have an IRP in place.